Shabina wins headscarf rights

Alhamdu lillah, the BBC reports that Shabina Begum, the sister who was refused the right to wear her Islamic long gown (jilbab) to school, has won her case at the Court of Appeal, which was found that she was unlawfully excluded.

Of course, there are some who will complain that no religious clothing should be allowed, and some will complain of another surrender to Muslim pressure and call the judges “dhimmis”. The issue of whether the jilbab, or clothing as concealing as the jilbab, is mandatory in Islam has already been dealt with elsewhere, but people should remember that exclusions from school generally result from the most serious of offences, like smoking dope on the premises. In between refusal to wear uniform and bringing drugs onto the premises, there’s a whole range of offences which won’t lead to exclusion, including beating up other pupils for fun. If they won’t get rid of the bullies, they shouldn’t have the right to reject decent pupils for wearing religious clothing.

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