NeO to Guiliani » “NeO” to Giuliani — United Against a Presidential Nightmare
At the request of Amad, and at the risk of getting a flood of “how dare this Limey stick his nose into American politics” responses, I decided to give a link to the anti-Giuliani campaign at Muslim Matters. (After all, whoever wins, our government will be licking his boots within the hour.)
The bit about Giuliani warning of “another 9/11” if the Democrats win reminds me of something that happened in the 1945 election here in the UK. Winston Churchill, who had been Prime Minister for most of World War II (it was Neville Chamberlain who actually declared the war), told the people that if Labour was to put into practice the Beveridge report (the NHS, social security etc), they would need some sort of Gestapo to make people pay for it. People were outraged by the suggestion that the opposition were like the enemy, and it is widely considered an important factor in Labour’s victory.
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