Ethnic candidate causes BNP outrage

The Guardian reports on today’s front page that the decision to choose an “ethnic” - a supposed descendent of an Armenian refugee with the unlikely name of Sharif Abdul-Gawad - has caused outrage among the BNP’s racist membership, who insist that the party remain all-white:

Sharif Abdel Gawad, whom the BNP describes as a “totally assimilated Greek-Armenian”, was chosen to stand in a Bradford ward as part of the party’s biggest ever electoral push. …

The BNP says Mr Gawad was named after the actor Omar Sharif because his mother was a fan, and that his grandfather was an Armenian Christian who fled to Britain as a refugee.

Judging by the picture of him on the front of today’s Guardian, I’d say he looked North African (and the spelling of Gawad suggests Egypt), but it speaks volumes that the leadership had to explain to their gnat-brained members that he was not Pakistani. (Tags: , , .)

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