Shaykh Pirzada condemns 42-day detention

The Official Website of Shaykh Pirzada | News | Shaykh Pirzada condemns 42-day detention

Further to the controversy over whether the British Muslim Forum’s shaikhs have supported or opposed the position of Khurshid Ahmed, the chairman of the BMF, Shaikh Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada, the director of the Jamia al-Karam and one of the BMF’s trustees, has opposed the position of Khurshid Ahmed CBE regarding 42-day detention for suspected terrorists (although he has not condemned him by name):

The founder and principal of Jamia Al-Karam, Shaykh Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada has commented that imprisoning - merely out of suspicion - any individual for up to 42 days does not befit a civilised and developed state such as the United Kingdom. Whilst disagreeing and severely opposing the Counter-Terrorism Bill, Shaykh M I H Pirzada stressed that this Bill is a clear infringement of basic human rights.

Praising the stance of the former Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis, Shaykh M I H Pirzada stated, “As a consequence of this, the reaction of the Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis, that came in the form of his resignation from Parliament is clear. The courage that he has displayed by giving his resignation is honourable and worthy of praise. Moreover, the Conservative Party has given its indication that if they form the government, they will re-consider and re-examine this Bill.”

Appealing to the Muslims, Shaykh M I H Pirzada said, “The Muslims, in particular, have been greatly saddened at the passing of this Bill in the House of Commons by the narrowest of margins, since, it is the Muslims who eventually become the predominant target and victims of such legislation. Therefore, I appeal to all Muslims that they profoundly lobby against this Bill so that this Bill is rejected by the House of Lords.”

This should serve as a correction to those who insist that Bareilawis in general are sell-outs or tame “Sufi-wufis”, particularly after the antics of certain elements who ran to the media to denounce the Tablighi Jama’at as extremists in order to score petty sectarian points over them by blocking the construction of the Abbey Mills mosque.

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